- We can see that system-dbus user does not have PASSWORD, and it is root (0:0)
- Another problem are tom, pippa, and mary users. It is bad idea to create that many users on the server.
- Linux passwords are salted, hashed, and then stored in /etc/shadow
- /etc/login.defs is file to find which hash alghoritm (MD5, Blowfish, SHA256, SHA512) is used on the system.
- Chris user that holds that hash
- 6 hash alghoritm used (MD5, Blowfish, SHA256, SHA512)
- yujst47wddRaz random salt generated by the system.
- 4fowUt8Fqpb0ek… is a plain text password AND salt previously generated, and combined it spits this hash value.
- Salting is added to prevent black hat attackers from making brute-force attacks from previously unhashed results on the Internet. Massively improves security.
2.2 How to use John the Ripper for password cracking: